Opening Session

Thursday, April 24
8 a.m. - 9 a.m.


Lorraine M. Martin 
President and CEO
National Safety Council


Jason Kunz
Keynote Speaker
The Kunz Company LLC

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Safety and Health Professionals

According to Duke University researchers, habits account for at least 40% of behaviors. Understanding how to build new habits (and refine your current ones) is essential for making progress in your health, relationships, levels of fulfillment and life in general. As an emerging, established or executive EHS Professional, the quality of your habits are in direct proportion to the quality of your leadership and life. Research shows that the highest performing safety and health pros have intentiaonally established habits that support their ability to lead, learn and grow, and earn loyalty from the people around them. Join us for this engaging, informative session as - after more than 230 interviews with some of the top-performing pros and practitioners in our space - we deliver to you the Seven Habits of Highly Effective Safety and Health Professionals.